在人类愈来愈显示出不同于动物和自然界的本质和力量的今天 ,不能不强调人对自然的主体性。以实践这一对象性活动作为基础所理解的人的主体性包括人对自然和人对人自身两个方面。人对自然的主体性是基础 ,人对人自身的主体性则是人的本质即自由最终形成的内在根据。因此 ,在全面理解人的主体性的基础上所表述的“人类的价值中心论”,不仅不能被抛弃 ,相反应该被发扬。生态伦理学是透过人与自然的关系探讨人与人之间的关系 ,它同一般伦理学一样 ,离开了人与人之间的利益关系 ,就会使其指向发生错误的转移。
In the era of increasingly appearance of essence and power of the mankind compared to the animals and the natural world, its subjectivization against the nature should be concentrated.Recognizing with the basis of the practice as a targeting activity, the mankind's subjectivization includes both the human against the nature and against the human itself.The mankind's subjectivization against the nature is a foundation, and its subjectivization against the human itself is the essence of the mankind, that is, an internal accordance formed by the freedom eventually.Therefore, based on a comprehensive understanding and description of the mankind's subjectivization, the mankind's value centered approach should not be thrown away but exerted instead.Like the general ethics, the ecological ethics develops by going though the co-relation between the mankind and the nature. It is going to switch to a wrong direction if leaving away from that functional relation.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
the position of the value-centered of the mankind
ecological ethics