应用伦理学正在成为一个迅速发展的学科。本文简要地论述了应用伦理学的理论基础、概要地分析了应用伦理学发展的原因 ,对应用伦理学所表现的独特的研究取向和主要研究领域进行了初步的归纳。提出应用伦理学所致力的工作 ,是用人类的价值关怀去解答人类生存的道德困境问题 ,并试图用合理的伦理规范去导引人们的行为 ,在理性的、批判的审视生活世界的同时 ,建构良善的、合理的社会。
Applied ethics is now becoming a rapidly developing field. This paper briefly reviewed its basic theoritical background, its causes of development and discussed its unique research orientation and its main fields. The task of applied ethics, as the paper points out, is to try to solve the problems of the moral dilemma along with the existential crisis of human beings by applying the rational and reasonable ethical norms and principles to create a well society.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)