
垃圾渗滤液MBR处理系统设计要点 被引量:20

Key Points in Designing MBR Project for Landfill Leachate Treatment
摘要 MBR系统是垃圾渗滤液处理的核心,其设计对整个渗滤液处理系统稳定达标排放至关重要。MBR生化处理系统的设计应以COD进行计算;规模较小时可以采用一条线(一套处理系统),规模较大时需设置二条线(并联的两套处理系统),对渗滤液处理出水总氮无要求时采用单级生物脱氮,对出水总氮有要求时采用二级生物脱氮;设计中应合理选取水温、泥龄、污泥浓度、剩余污泥产率及单位耗氧量等参数,通过计算确定混合液回流比;外加碳源可以采用甲醇、乙酸钠、葡萄糖等,分别投加在缺氧池和后置反硝化池;通过控制生物池内水的流态、利用空气管道控制曝气区域、控制膜分离和污水冷却系统回流位置等技术措施,可以取得良好的处理效果。 The MBR process is the core of the landfill leachate treatment project, the design process is very important for the stable discharge of the whole leachate treatment project. COD should be taken as the key factor for MBR biochemical treatment system design. One line treatment process was taken when the treatment scale is small. While two lines treatment process was adopted for relatively large treatment scale. If there is no requirement for total nitrogen removal from the landfill leachate, the single- stage biological of denitrification is used. While the secondary biological treatment process with denitrifi- cation was applied when nitrogen removal was requied. After the design parameters of water temperature, sludge retention time, MISS concentration, excess sludge yield and unit oxygen consumption ratio were reasonably adopted, the reflux ratio was determined by calculation. External carbon source such as meth- anol, acetic acid sodium, glucose and so on, were added in the anoxic tank and rear nitrification tank. By controlling the water flow station in biological tank, the aeration zone environment with air pipeline, membrane separation and reflux position of wastewater cooling system, etc, the good treatment effect could be achieved.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期63-67,共5页 China Water & Wastewater
关键词 渗滤液 MBR 生物脱氮 设计参数 外加碳源 技术措施 landfill leachate MBR biological denitrification design parameters exter-nal carbon source technical measures
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