
基于共同质量管理框架的欧盟职业教育质量评估方式与特色 被引量:1

The Quality Evaluation Method and Characteristics of EU Vocational Education Based on the Common Quality Assurance Framework
摘要 欧盟各国通过建立职业教育自我评估与外部评估,应用共同质量保障框架,规避管理系统的风险,基本保障了各国职业教育的教育质量必须达到基本标准。在此基础上,欧盟职业教育已形成增加有效供给,提高资金使用效率;建立职业教育认证评估机构,发挥其中介作用;满足最低标准下鼓励特色发展的特点。 EU countries have established the self-assessment and external evaluation in vocational education that based on the common quality assurance framework to avoid the risk of management system. It ensures the quality of Vocational Education in all countries must meet the basic standards. On this basis, EU vocational education has the following characteristics: increasing effective supply ; improvement of the efficiency of the use of funds ; the establishment of vocational education accreditation assessment agencies to play the role of mediation to meet the minimum standards to encourage the development.
作者 王思捷
出处 《成人教育》 北大核心 2018年第2期87-90,共4页 Adult Education
关键词 职业教育 欧盟 自我评估 vocational education EU countries self-assessment
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