
局绅的生涯与人生意态——以清末四川团练局绅为重点 被引量:3

The Life Career and Lifestyle of the Township Bureau Gentry:With the Sichuan Militia Bureau Gentry in the Late Qing Dynasty as the Focus
摘要 清末四川公局的"局绅"呈现职业化的态势,在乡里首人、公局绅粮、委员等多个办公职位上"迁转"。因为公局职掌混融,连类而及,进而形成了代表、掌控乡里并可以与县衙沟通,进入县中各局、干预一县政事的相对稳定的绅首群体。与此同时,局绅表现出不仅地方化而且乡里化的一面,发展出一种居乡不离乡、为公不为私的人生选择和价值准则。以"居乡为公"为核心,群体道德标榜形塑了他们的人生意态,限定了他们事业的终点。复原这种生涯实况和人生意态,对重新认识中国近代史研究中的"绅权""地方精英支配""自治"等概念以及捐纳制度、候补官等都有所助益。 In the late Qing Dynasty, the township bureau gentry in Sichuan showed a tendency of professionalism, shifting in such public offices as a township chief, an influential officer and an appointed officer of the township bureau. Due to the comprehensive management and related business of the township bureau, a relatively stable group of leading gentry came into being. They represented and controlled the township communities, and communicated with the county government, being able to enter into various departments of the county government and interfere with its administrative affairs. At the same time, as the township bureau gentry were from their hometown and remained in their hometown, they made their choices in life and created their code of values, staying in their hometown instead of leaving it, and working in the public interest instead of pursuing their own interests. This group of township bureau gentry took "remaining in their township for the public" as the core of their values, shaped their lifestyle with the flaunt of their moral views, and defined the end of their careers. The recovery of their actual life career and lifestyle will help us to have a better understanding of such concepts such as " power of the township bureau gentry ", " local elite domination", and " autonomy", and the systems related the sale of official posts and titles, and the designation of expectant appointed officials, in the study of modern Chinese history.
作者 孙明 Sun Ming(Research Center for Chinese Politics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期74-82,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目<清代南部县衙档案整理与研究>(项目批准号:11ZD&0093)资助
关键词 公局 局绅 居乡为公 人生意态 township bureau, township bureau gentry, remain in a township for the public ,lifestyle
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