

The Kins Continuing and Carrying Forward Mencius' Huaxia-Barbarians & Humanist Thoughts
摘要 金人尊孟与宋儒不同。他们秉持用夏变夷理念,顺应我国古来四夷向华,汉化华化的历史发展趋势,不分内外,不分种族,以王道仁政定正闰,以道统定正统,最终将忽必烈统一全国亦视为正当正义之举。他们以文化心理为衡量标尺,认为同经不同文,同华不同汉的皆是中国人,这是辽金元以来中华民族渐趋形成之与时俱进的反映。基此,金人扬弃了汉代以来的君为臣纲、君国至上之论,直承孟子民贵君轻的理念,以仁为评价标准,对不仁之君予以批判,颠覆了为救国可以吃人的谬论,赞成为民而降之举,将人民至上的理念推向前所未有的高峰。用夏变夷与民贵君轻的叠加互动,亦导致了金末士人为民请命、为道而仕的人生价值取向。 The Kin's respect of Mencius differs from Confucians of the Song Dynasty. They adhered to the concept of assimilating Barbarians with Chinese central plans civilization and complied with the historic tendency of the ancient emperors' china orientation,sinicization and hanization. They took benevolent government as the only orthodox leap,Confucian orthodoxy as the orthodoxy,and eventually regarded Kublai Khan uniting the country also as justice,regardless of the inside and outside of the country,and regardless of different nationalities. They took the cultural psychology as a measure stick and considered all are Chinese who have different writing for the same canons,and different Chinese nationalities. It reflects the Chinese nation keeping pace with the times since the Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties. Based on this,the Kins abandoned the principles of rulers guiding subjects,and supreme monarch and continued Mencius' thoughts of people being more important than the rulers. They took benevolence as the criteria and criticized the heartless rulers. They fully promoted peopleoriented thoughts by toppling the fallacy of killing people for the country and approving of lowering for the people. The interaction of assimilating Barbarians with Chinese civilization and people being more important than rulers has led to the value orientation of pleading for the people and being an official for justice.
作者 狄宝心
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期33-41,共9页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 金人 夏夷之辨 民贵君轻 为民请命 为道而仕 the Kins resolution of Huaxia civilization and barbarians people being more important than rulers pleading for the people being an official for justice.
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