
缄默形式诈骗罪的表现及其本质 被引量:24

The Manifestations and Essence of Crime of Fraud in the Form of Being Silent
摘要 人际间交往模式的变化,开始影响人们对于知识和信息、信任和自由的理解。以信息传递(意思互动)作为本质内容的诈骗罪,在信息化的进程中,也出现了匿名、缄默化的特点。诈骗罪乃是经由沟通交流促成财产转移的财产犯罪,其表现形式有三:明示的诈骗、默示的诈骗和不作为形式的诈骗。默示的诈骗和不作为形式的诈骗皆具有缄默的特点。在默示的欺骗行为中,仍可由被告人的言行推导出相应的意思表示内容;而在不作为形式的诈骗中,则需结合保证人地位,才可拟制出相应的意思表示内容。无论是明示诈骗、默示诈骗还是不作为诈骗,均侵犯到了被害方获取与财产转移决策相关联的真实信息的权利。与财产转移决策无直接关联的信息,不属于诈骗罪保护的范围。被害人明知财产决策所依赖的信息属于虚假,却仍然转移财产,也不宜认定诈骗罪。 The changing means of interpersonal contact has begun to influence people' s understanding of knowledge, information, trust and freedom. The crime of fraud with its essential nature of transferring in- formation ( exchange of intention) also shows features of being anonymous and silent during informationiza- tion. The fraud, a crime against property that leads to property transfer through communication and ex- change, manifests itself in three types: the explicit fraud, the fraud by means of implied statement and the fraud by means of omission. The latter two have the characteristic of being silent. As to the fraud through implied statement, the content of manifested intention still can be derived from the defendant' s words and actions; while in the fraud by means of omission, the relevant the content of manifested intention can only be constructed by combining the defendant' s status as a guarantor. All of the above - mentioned three types infringe upon the right of victims to get access to authentic information relevant to decisions on property transfer. The information without direct relevance to decisions on property transfer does not fall into the scope of protection by the criminalization of fraud. If a victim has already known that the information on which a decision concerning property depends was false, but still transfers his property, the perpetrator shall not be convicted of a crime of fraud.
作者 蔡桂生
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期38-49,共12页 Political Science and Law
关键词 意思互动 缄默形式 默示诈骗 不作为诈骗 真实信息 Exchange of Intention In the Form of Being Silent Fraud through Implied Statement, Fraud by Means of Omission Authentic Information
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