With the insights into autoinflammatory diseases, the mutations in proteasome cause a syndrome that has previ- ously been referred to as Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome (NNS), Japanese autoinflammatory syndrome with lipodystrophy (JASL), joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and pan- niculitis-induced childhood- onset lipodystrophy (JMP) syn- drome, or chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipo- dystrophy and elevated temperature (CANDLE). These dis- ease spectrum is referred to as proteasome-associated autoin- flammatory syndrome (PRAAS). In contrast to what occurs in many currently known interleukin-1 mediated autoinflammato- ry diseases, mutations in proteasome lead to proteasome dys- function and chronic type I IFN production, and which have no response to IL-1 inhibition treatment. The JAK1/JAK2 in- hibitor which blocks IFN signaling may be effective in patients with PRAAS.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics