

Role of Sertoli Cell Signaling Pathway in the Regulation of Meiosis in Spermatogenesis
摘要 减数分裂是精子发生中的重要环节,它保证了遗传信息的稳定性。减数分裂全程都是在支持细胞近腔小室中完成,除了生精细胞自身基因调节外,主要受到支持细胞分泌因子的调节。支持细胞是生精小管中唯一的体细胞,直接与精原细胞相互作用,通过分泌旁分泌因子调节精母细胞减数分裂。近年大量研究证实,卵泡刺激素(follicle.stimulatinghormone,FSH)、视黄酸(retinoicacid,RA)、雄激素在减数分裂中起到重要作用,文章综述这些物质如何通过支持细胞的中介进而调节减数分裂,为后续研究支持细胞在精母细胞减数分裂中的作用提供思路和启发。 Meiosis is important for spermatogenesis and it ensures the stability of genetic infor- mation. Sertoli cells are the only somatic ceils in the seminiferous tubule, which interact directly with spermatogonia and regulate the meiosis of spermatocytes by secreting the paracrine factors. In recent years, studies have demonstrated that follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), retinoic acid (RA), an- drogen play important roles in meiosis. Here, we review how these substances regulate meiosis through the mediation of Sertoli cell in an attempt to provide ideas and inspirations for the following studies on the role of Sertoli cells in the regulation of spermatocyte meiosis.
出处 《医学分子生物学杂志》 CAS 2018年第1期57-62,共6页 Journal of Medical Molecular Biology
基金 华中科技大学自主创新基金(No.0118519028.No.0118519013)
关键词 支持细胞 精子发生 减数分裂 信号通路 sertoli cell spermatogenesis meiosis signaling pathway
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