
小激活RNA(saRNA)与恶性肿瘤的研究进展 被引量:1

Research Advances of saRNA in Human Malignant Tumors
摘要 在基因的表达调控过程中,一系列非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,ncRNA)发挥着广泛作用。RNA激活(RNA activation,RNAa)是近来发现的由小分子双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)靶向作用于基因启动子区域在转录水平诱导基因表达的基因调节现象。具有激活功能的小dsRNA称之为小激活RNA(small activating RNA,saRNA)。与RNAi的沉默效果相比,RNAa的激活作用更为持久,它为肿瘤、代谢及遗传性疾病的治疗提供了一个崭新的思路和方法,将成为重要的分子生物学工具,应用于实验研究和疾病的基因治疗当中。本文将从saRNA的发现、saRNA的特征及其在肿瘤调控和治疗中的潜在作用予以综述。 In the regulation of gene expression, a series of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) play a wide role. RNA activation (RNAa) is a newly discovered model for RNA-regulated gene expression. The process is triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules, resulting in de novo expression of the target genes at the transcriptional level by targeting the gene promoter region. These RNA molecules are termed as small activating RNAs (saRNA). The saRNA-induced gene expression can last relatively longer than siRNA- induced gene silencing, which provides a new idea and method for the treatment of cancer, metabolism and genetic diseases. Therefore, it represents a potential means in disease intervention. In this paper, we summarize the definition of saRNA, its characteristics of action and potential roles in tumor regulation and cure.
出处 《肿瘤防治研究》 CAS CSCD 2018年第1期52-55,共4页 Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
基金 湖北省自然基金面上项目(2014CFB682) 2015年肿瘤微环境与免疫治疗湖北省重点实验室开放基金(2015KZL11) 宜昌市科技研究与开发项目(A12301-49) 三峡大学科研启动基金(KJ2013B054)
关键词 小激活RNA 基因激活 恶性肿瘤 Small activating RNA(saRNA) Gene activation Malignant tumors
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