

The Prospect for Sino-US New Energy Cooperation after the Paris Climate Change Conference
摘要 2015年召开的巴黎气候变化大会是中美新能源合作史上的一个重要的里程碑和转折点,以巴黎气候变化大会为契机,减排将成为中美新能源合作新的、巨大的驱动力,巴黎气候变化大会中中美气候合作的诚意和力度将极大地推动双方新能源合作。但与此同时,中美新能源合作之路并非一帆风顺,中美新能源合作将受到传统能源价格、美国新能源产业保护政策、美国国内政治等因素的影响和制约。 Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015 is a turning point as well as a milestone in the new energy cooperation between China and the United States. Carbon emission reduction will become a new and greater driving force for the new energy cooperation between the two countries. Also, the sincerity and involvement of the two sides in climate cooperation will push forward their cooperation in new energy development. On the other hand, the new energy cooperation between China and the United States is not going to be smooth. The cooperation will be affected by the price of the traditional energy resources, the protecting policies of the two countries on new energy and the U.S domestic political climate.
作者 王华荣
出处 《红河学院学报》 2018年第1期97-101,共5页 Journal of Honghe University
关键词 巴黎气候变化大会 新能源 合作 减排 Paris Climate Change Conference New energy Cooperation Carbon emission reduction
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