
中国城市韧性水平的测度及提升路径 被引量:18

Measurement and Improvement of Urban resilience in China
摘要 城市韧性核心能力应包含"恢复"和"学习"两个层面。通过构建涵盖两个层面的指标体系对2005—2015年中国城市韧性水平进行测度,结果表明:中国城市韧性整体水平不高,呈现"U"型变化,拐点出现在2011年。原因在于,2011年以前,灾后主要以恢复为主而忽视了学习层面的城市建设,导致二者背离程度逐渐扩大;之后随着居民对于灾害认识的加深和城市管理组织应对灾害时意识的转变,"学习"层面的城市韧性建设加速发展,缩小了二者之间的差距。为了不断提高中国城市韧性水平,应在加强"恢复"层面城市韧性建设的同时,推进"学习"层面城市韧性建设。 The core of urban toughness should include"recovery"and "learning"two levels.The results show that the overall level of urban toughness in China is not high,showing a"U"type change,and the inflection point appears in 2011.The results show that the degree of urban toughness in China is not high.The reason is that,before 2011,mainly after the disaster,the main task is to restore,while neglecting the learning level of urban construction,leading to the gradual expansion of departure of the two;with the deepening of awareness of the disaster and urban management organizations' changes in consciousness of responding to disasters,"Learning"level of urban toughness construction begins to accelerate,narrowing the gap between the two.In order to continuously improve the level of urban toughness in China,we should strengthen the urban"resilience"level of toughness,at the same time,promote the urban toughness construction on the"learning"level.
作者 李刚 徐波
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期83-89,116,共8页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目"‘物质’到‘精神’:中国城镇化发展新方位"(AHSKYG2017D118)
关键词 城市韧性 “恢复”城市韧性 “学习”城市韧性 urban resilience "restoration" of urban resilience "learning" urban resilience
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