
中国落实2030可持续发展目标的方案研究:从国家履行多边环境协定的角度 被引量:1

Study on China's national plan on implementation of the 2030 sustainable development goals:from the perspective of national performance of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
摘要 从多边环境协定的履约角度来说,多边环境协定的履约已经从国际层面的制度构建逐渐转向国家层面的履约。由于2015年千禧年发展目标未达成,2030可持续发展目标吸取教训,提出了经济、社会和环境"三位一体"的目标,并且要求各个国家提供自己的国别方案。中国作为最大的发展中国家,在国际环境治理中具有举足轻重的作用。在国内,中国制定了落实2030可持续发展目标的国内环境治理规范,并组建了一个由43家政府部门组成的落实可持续发展议程部际协调机制。在国际上,各国也在积极参与国际环境治理,在国际和区域层次参与和促进有关环境保护的条约的缔结和生效,认真履约并且帮助其他国家履约,通过各种正式和非正式会议等渠道扩展全球伙伴关系。 In terms of implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements,the implementation of the agreements has gradually shifted from the institutional construction of the international level to the implementation of the national level.Since the millennium development goals did not reach the goal of sustainable development in the year of 2015,2030 sustainable development goals had drew the lessons,put forward the goals of economic,social and environmental,and required all countries to provide their own country's plan.As the largest developing country,China plays a decisive role in the international environmental governance.At home,China has formulated the domestic environmental governance norms for the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals,and established an inter ministerial coordination mechanism for implementing the sustainable development agenda composed of 43 government departments.China is also actively participating in international environmental governance,participating and promoting the conclusion and effectiveness of treaties on environmental protection at the international and regional levels,earnestly implementing and helping other countries to implement treaties,and expanding global partnership through various formal and informal meetings and other channels.
作者 秦天宝 侯芳
出处 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 2018年第1期1-8,共8页 Journal of Zhoukou Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地武汉大学环境法研究所基地重大课题"国际环境法的发展与生态文明建设:中国的应对与引领" 国家社会科学基金重大项目"基于风险的环境治理多元共治体系研究"(15ZDC031) 2017年度河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究资助项目"司法改革语境下的我国环境资源审判庭的组建"(2017-ZZJH-628)
关键词 2030可持续发展目标 中国方案 国家履约 全球环境治理 多边环境协定 2030 sustainable development goals China's national plan national performance global environmental governance Multilateral Environmental Agreements
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