20世纪70、80年代,美国、英国等西方国家为了提高基础教育的质量,开始了一场新变革,对学生应当达到的学习结果制订了评价标准。2006年英国教育与技能部广泛征求意见,制定了《英国早期儿童基础教育指南—0-5岁儿童学习发展和保育标准》(St at ut or y f r amewor k f or t he ear l y year s f oundat i on s t age——Set t i ng t he s t andar ds f or l ear ni ng,devel opment and car e f or chi ldr en f r om bi r t h t o f i ve)于2008年正式实施。此后又在2014年、2017年进行修订。经过十多年理论研究与实践检验,2017版本在以前版本基础上进行了修改和完善。新版本的评价内容、评价指标体系与评价方法等等各方面都更加前瞻而实用,值得我们在开发本国幼儿园学习和发展评价中借鉴和运用,如评价目标指向良好社会情绪基础上的幼小衔接;评价过程注重一日观察;评价结果关注与家长及时有效的交流等。
Abstract In the seventies and eighties of the 20th century, theUnited States, Britain and other Western countries started a newrevolution to improve the quality of basic education and set the e-valuation criteria for the learning outcomes students shouldachieve. In 2006, the UK Department of Education and Skillsextensively solicited opinions and formulated the "Statutoryframework for the early years foundation stage: Setting the stan-dards for learning, development and care for children from birthto five" officially implemented in 2008. After that, it was revisedagain in 2014 and 2017. After more than a decade of theoreticalresearch and practical testing, the 2017 version has been revisedand improved on the basis of previous versions. The new versionof the evaluation content, evaluation index system, and evaluationmethods are all more forward-looking and practical, which areworth reference and application in our development of domestickindergarten learning and development evaluation, such as theconvergence between kindergarten and primary school based onthe evaluation objectives pointing to favorable social emotion, theemphasis on one-day observation in the evaluation process, andthe attention to timely and effective communication with parentsin the evaluation results.
Journal of Science and Education