
OECD国家实施幼小衔接的目的、原则及启示 被引量:27

On the Purpose and Principle in Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education and the Inspiration to China
摘要 OECD于2017年6月发布了《强势开端Ⅴ:幼小衔接》。该报告从组织管理、专业持续、教育持续以及发展持续四个方面系统介绍了当前OECD国家在幼小衔接过程中所遭受的挑战以及应对策略,同时指明未来幼小衔接工作的努力方向。幼小衔接在学前教育中的重要性不言而喻。幼小衔接关系到幼儿能否顺利进行角色与场域的转换,使得学前阶段所获成果得以延续,并积极地面对小学阶段的学习与生活。本研究通过对该报告的考察与分析,认为实施幼小衔接应该遵循幼儿需求导向原则、政府有序参与原则、幼小双向衔接原则、循证衔接实践原则。这对于我国科学实施幼小衔接具有一定的启示作用。 OECD issued Starting Strong V:Transitions From Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education in June. From organization and governance, Professional continuity, Pedagogical continuity, Developmental continuity, it introduces the some common challenges facing countries in their attempts to improve transitions, and outlines the strategies that various countries have used to overcome them. Transition plays an important role in pre-school education. Based on the report, transition should follow the principle of children's demand oriented, the government ordered participation, two-way interaction, evidence-based practice. This has some enlightening effect on transition in China.
出处 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期32-39,共8页 Journal of Schooling Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"县域义务教育均衡发展研究"(10JJD880008)
关键词 幼小衔接 强势开端 幼儿中心 循证实践 transition starting strong child- centred evidence-based practice
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