Objective To investigate the best surgical treatment opportunity of patients with obstructive biliary acute pancreati-tis. Methods: 160 patients with obstructive biliary acute pancreatitis were selected and divided into early surgery group ( n = 80, re-ceived surgery within 3 days after admission) and deferred surgery group (n = 80, received surgery within 1-3 weeks after admission)according to the time of the surgery. Results: The hospitalization time in the early surgery group was significantly shorter than that inthe deferred surgery group (P〈0. 05). The mortality, recurrence rate and incidence of complications in the early surgery group weresignificantly lower than those in the deferred surgery group (P〈0. 05). The effective rate of the early surgery group (97. 5%, 78 / 80)was significantly higher than that in the deferred surgery group (83. 8%, 67 / 80, P〈0. 05). Further, the 24h drainage volume wassignificantly lower than that in the deferred surgery group (P〈0. 05). Conclusions: The early surgery for the patients with obstructivebiliary acute pancreatitis can reduce the mortality and recurrence rate, shorten the hospitalization time and reduce the incidence of com-plications.
XING Li;WANG Shuang(Shenyang Center Hospital, Shenyang Liaoning 110024, China)
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health