

Summary about the earthquake prediction in 2016
摘要 2016年我们使用卫星云图技术对全球地震做了为期一年的预测,共42次,其中6级以上地震预测15次,本文重点讨论了这15次预测,另外还有1次加利福尼亚的4.3级地震预测,总共16次.统计结果显示,在地点预测方面有10次预测的地点较为准确,震级上有10次预测准确,时间上有11次预测准确,总体准确率在60%~65%. According to the satellite cloud method 42 earthquake predictions were made in the whole year of2016,among which 15 predictions are bigger than magnitude 6. Together with the California M4. 3 earthquake prediction,the total number is 16. The research shows that among the 16 predictions,10 predictions show good effect in location prediction,10 predictions show good effect in magnitude prediction and 11 predictions show good effect in time prediction. The total accuracy is about 60% ~ 65%.
作者 郭广猛
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2018年第1期75-78,共4页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 河南省高校科技创新人才项目(13HASTIT032)
关键词 地震预测 卫星云图 2016年 earthquake prediction satellite cloud image the year of 2016
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