本文对428XL仪器如何实现震源源驱动的设置进行了详细阐述。针对地震采集生产过程中遇到的GPS漂移导致点位不准、仪器源数字辅助发生器箱体DPG(Digital Pilot Generator)无法启动震源数字伺服驱动箱体DSD(Digital Servo Drive)以及地震记录系统NAS4000记录速度慢等故障进行了深入地分析并列举出解决办法,以便提高野外地震采集工作效率。
This paper makes a detailed description about how to achieve the vibroseissource drive with 428XL instru- ment. In-depth analysis the paper describes the solution about that GPS positioning is not accurate,DPG (Digital Pi- lot Generator) cannot start the DSD (Digital Servo Drive) and slow speed record with NAS4000,in order to improve the efficiency of field seismic acquisition.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting