
顾绶昌与莎士比亚研究 被引量:1

Gu Shouchang and Shakespeare Studies
摘要 在中国莎学研究领域,顾绶昌的莎剧版本、翻译、语言研究具有重要学术价值。本文通过对顾绶昌莎剧版本研究、莎剧翻译研究、莎剧语言研究等主张的梳理、研究,认为顾绶昌的莎学批评在中国莎学研究史上占有不容忽视的重要地位。顾绶昌重视莎作翻译,他不仅明确指出了莎剧翻译中版本选择的重要性,强调了版本选择是否合适,对莎作内容及人物性格分析具有指导意义,而且明白、正确地指出了一些著名莎剧译本在翻译过程中存在的问题;同时认为研究莎作的语言应该结合伊丽莎白时代的语言特点,从社会、生活和戏剧性角度综合考虑,尽量保存、再现俚语、双关语、戏谑语、猥亵语等词语和其中的隐喻。语言变化与社会生活变化相关,莎剧中保存了很多经典和鲜活的语言,因此研究莎士比亚的语言是我们研究莎作的基础。对于莎作可以从读音、拼法和词义等语言学角度出发,考虑莎作的翻译问题,并在此基础上深入探讨莎剧中的人物形象和语言特点。 Gu Shouchang’s translations of Shakespeare’s plays and his Shakespeare studies have significant academic value in the history of Chinese Shakespeare study.This paper aims to illustrate the important role of his study through his translation works and studies.He highlighted the importance of choosing versions in translating and studying of Shakespeare’s plays,emphasized its guiding significance in analyzing contexts and characters,and pointed out some problems in some famous Chinese versions of Shakespeare’s works.He also believed that scholars should pay attention to the language features in the age of Elizabeth I,and translators should try their best to preserve and reproduce Elizabethan language and words such as slangs,puns,etc.and the corresponding metaphors.The language of Shakespeare’s plays is the basic element and origin for us to make research on Shakespeare.We can study the translation works of Shakespeare from linguistic point of view to analyze characters and language features in his plays.Gu disapproved of some translators’domesticating translation strategy such as translating Shakespeare’s play with the forms of Chinese Yuan Drama.When we do the translation work of Shakespeare’s plays,we should focus on the style and artistic conception as well as the dramatic elements of Shakespeare’s works since his plays are poetic dramas.
作者 李伟民
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2017年第6期101-109,127,共9页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
关键词 顾绶昌 莎士比亚 版本 翻译 语言 Gu Shouchang Shakespeare versions translations language
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