

摘要 在地缘政治视角下,港台地区的研究一直是国外学术界研究的热点,西方学者对港台地区的研究一直呈现出紧跟当下的特点,并且呈现出研究视角从宏观逐渐转向微观,学科领域从政治、经济、军事逐渐转向社会、文化、教育、法律等领域的特点,研究内容越来越具体。他们的研究为国内学者提供了不同的视角,但对于研究成果应该理性地看待,部分学者的研究过分强调特殊性而忽视整体性,研究缺乏客观性,降低了研究结论的说服力。
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2018年第1期95-100,共6页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"近30年来欧 澳主要学术杂志当代中国研究述评" 项目编号:13BDJO18
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  • 4GEORGE N. PATTERSON. China and Tibet: Back- ground to the Revolt [J]. The China Quarterly, No.1. (!960).
  • 5HOWARD L. BOORMAN. China and the Global Revolution;C. P. FITZGERALD. Order, Power and Modernization;G. F. HUDSON. The Bitter Years; CHOH-MING LI, Economic Development; BEN- JAMIN I. SCHWARTZ. Totalitarian Consolidation and the Chinese Model; H. ARTHUR STEINER. China's New Role in World Affairs;GUY WINT. The Creation of State Power;KARL AUGUST WITTFOGEL. A Stronger Oriental Despotism[J]. The China Quarterly, No. 1.(1960).
  • 6RICHARD LOWENTHAL. Diplomacy and Revolution: The Dialectics of a Dispute. The China Quarterly, No.5. (1961); DONALD S. ZAGORIA. Khrushchev's Attack on Albania and Sino-Soviet Relations[J]. No.8. (1961).
  • 7A. M. HALPER.N. The Foreign Policy Uses of the Chinese Revolutionary Model [J]. The China Quarterly, No.7.(1961).
  • 8NGUYEN NGOC BICH. "Vietnam-An Independent Viewpoint"; PHILIPPE DEVILLERS. "The Struggle for the Unification of Vietnam"; BERNARD B. FALL, "Power and Pressure Groups in North Vietnam"; P. J. HONEY. "The Position of the DRV Leadership and the Succession to Ho Chi Minh"; WILLIAM KAYE. "A Bowl of Rice Divided: The Economy of North Viet- nam"; GORGE GINSBURGSE. "Local Government and Administration in North Vietnam"; GORGE GINS- BURGSE. "Local Government and Administration in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam since 1954 (Part 1). The China Ouarterlv, No. 12.(1962).
  • 9CYRIL BIRCH. "Chinese Communist Literature: The Persistence of Traditional Forms";HELLMUT WIL- HELM. "The Image of Youth and Age in ChineseCommunist Literature" ; HOWARD L. BOORaMAN. "The Literary World of Mao Tse-tung" ;T, A. HSIA, "Heroes and Hero-Worship in Chinese Communist Fiction" ;VINCENT Y. C. SHIH. "Enthusiast and Es- capist: Writers of the Older Generation":[J] The China Quarterly, No, 13. (1963 ).
  • 10AUDREY DONNITHORNE. "China's Economic Planning and Industry" ;CHARLES HOFFMANN. "Work Incentive Policy in Communist China"; FRANZ SCHURMANN. "China's "New Economic Policy" Transition or Beginning?" The China Quarterly, [J]. No.17.(1964).









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