目的分析在免疫性不孕不育治疗中应用补肾扶正汤的临床价值。方法研究对象为方便选取该院在2016年3月—2017年3月间所收治的免疫性不孕不育患者64例,以随机数字表法进行分组(32例/组)。对照组予以常规的西药进行治疗,观察组予以补肾扶正汤治疗,对比患者的内分泌指标与治疗效果等。结果患者在予以不同的治疗方案之后,观察组治疗的总有效率96.87%、E2(55.46±21.91)pg/m L、LH(6.75±2.64)IU/L、T(0.84±0.16)μg/m L、PRL(18.53±6.53)μg/m L、FSH(5.22±1.64)IU/L等内分泌指标相比对照组治疗总有效率68.75%、E2(24.86±16.89)pg/m L、LH(5.23±2.85)IU/L、T(0.64±0.26)μg/m L、PRL(21.97±6.84)μg/m L、FSH(6.61±2.13)IU/L更优,数据对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论针对免疫性不孕不育的临床患者而言,实施补肾扶正汤可以提升患者治疗效果,具有较高的安全性,临床具有推广意义。
Objective This paper tries to analyze the clinical value of the application of kidney tonic soup in the treatment of immunological infertility. Methods 64 cases of immunological infertility received by this hospital from March 2016 to March 2017 were convenient selected and divided into two groups by random digital table method, with 32 cases in each group. The control group was treated with conventional western medicine, and the observation group was treated with kidney tonic soup and the endocrine index and therapeutic effect of the patients were compared. Results After being given different treatment methods, the total effective rate in the observation group was 96.87%, E2(55.46±21.91)pg/mL, LH(6.75±2.64)IU/L,T(0.84±0.16)μg/mL, PRL(18.53±6.53)μg/mL, FSH(5.22±1.64)IU/L; and those in the control group were 68.75%, E2(24.86±16.89)pg/mL, LH(5.23±2.85)IU/L, T(0.64±0.26)μg/mL, PRL(21.97±6.84)μg/mL, FSH(6.61±2.13)IU/L, and the differences were statistically significant difference(P〈0.05). Conclusion As for immunological infertility, the implementation of the kidney tonic soup can improve the therapeutic effect of patients with high safety and clinical significance.
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