光通信系统设计中波分解复用器是分离光信号的一种关键部件,用于分离光信号的微型谐振器特性直接关系到波分复用(WDM,wavelength division multiplexing)解复用系统的工作性能。在二维光子晶体中逐步优化设计了基于光子晶体方形谐振器(PCSR,photonic crystal square resonator)的单信道WDM解复用结构,借助于耦合模理论(CMT,coupled-mode theory)定性分析了波导与谐振腔结构的电磁波耦合相互作用,并用时域有限差分法(FDTD,finite-difference time-domain)数值模拟了其结构工作特性。结果表明:基于PCSR设计的单输出端口WDM解复用结构在设计的参数范围中具有单谐振峰、中心波长宽调谐范围(1 501.4nm^1 591.0nm)、通带带宽窄(3.3nm^9.1nm)的特性。该结构可应用于WDM解复用光通信系统设计和光路集成设计等方面。
Wavelength division demultiplexer is an important component used for dropping optical signals in the design of optical communication systems.The characteristics of micro resonator used for dropping optical signals are closely related to the performances of wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) demutiplexing systems. Single channel WDM demultiplexing structure based on photonic crystal square resonator(PCSR)was gradually optimized in the two dimensional photonic crystal. With the help of coupled mode theory(CMT),electromagnetic wave coupling interactions between waveguide and cavity were analyzed qualitatively, and operational characteristics of the structure were numerically simulated by the finite difference time domain(FDTD)method.The study results show that the single output port WDM demutiplexing structure based on PCSR has the characteristics of single resonant peak, broadly tunable ranges of central wavelength(1 501.4 nm^1 591.0 nm),narrow passband width(3.3 nm^9.1 nm)in the ranges of design parameters. It can be used for designing photonic integrated circuits, WDM demultiplexing optical communication systems,and etc.
Journal of Applied Optics