看门狗计时器(WDT,Watch Dog Timer)是微处理器的重要组成部分。对WDT的一项关键参数指标——溢出时间进行评价,常规的ATE测试方式是采用功能测试方法,无法满足精确测量的技术要求。文中以MAXIM公司的MAX690为例,介绍了一种基于Teradyne公司J750EX测试系统的DSIO模块对其进行精准评价的方法,以满足所有内置WDT结构的器件对此项指标进行准确考核的要求。
The watch dog timer ( WDT ) is an important part of micro processors. As a key parameter of WDT-watchdog timeout period, the conventional A T E test method is a functional test method to evaluate it , but technical requirements for accurate measurement cannot be met. In the paper, taking MAX690 ( MAXIM , Inc.) as an example, we introduce a method of evaluating it accurately based on the DSIO module of J750E X test system, Teradyne company. Thus, w e can meet the requirements for assessing all devices accurately with builtin WDT structures.
Electronics & Packaging