

The Value of Righteousness and Benefit on Confucian and the Endogenous Structure of Socialist Core Values
摘要 儒家对义与利的取舍态度与选择倾向成为其仁学价值的重要指向。义与利的选择性张力并非表示两者之间构成截然对立的矛盾,而是表现在价值定位的先后、轻重或次序之别。利的价值在于主体获取生产或生活资料以存养小体,为主体的道德活动提供外在基础,义作为主体追求的价值目标并非远离现实经验的抽象理念,道德活动的开展必须以主体基本感性需要的满足为前提。然而功利性手段与道义性目的在本质上不同,二者不具备同等价值,利的手段只能达到利的目标,永远无法实现义的价值。社会主义核心价值观得以提出并践行是以中国优秀传统文化一以贯之的价值理念为基本精神,最终指向一方面是解决国计民生的现实问题,而更为根本的是为当今国民确立安身立命的精神归宿。解决现实生计与寻求精神归宿既是社会主义核心价值观所指向的两个价值层面,亦可视为功利手段与道义目的的不同价值追求。在此意义上,社会主义核心价值观的价值指向与儒家的义利价值选择异曲同工。 Confucian's attitude towards choice of righteousness and benefit and the tendency of choice becomes an important point of its benevolent value. The selective tension of righteousness and benefit does not mean that there is a contradictory contradiction both of them, but in the value orientation, the significance or the order is different. The value of profit is that acquires the production or living material to keep the body, for the main body of moral activities to provide external basis, as the value of the goal, righteousness is not far from the realistic experience of abstract ideas, the development of moral activities must be the main body of the basic emotional need to meet the premise. However, utilitarian means and moral terms are essentially different,they do not have the same value, the means of benefit can only achieve the same goal, can never realize the value of righteousness. The core values of socialism can be put forward and practiced in the spirit of the values of Chinese traditional culture. The ultimate goal is to solve the reality of the people's livelihood and to seek spiritual end for the real livelihood. They are also the two value points of the socialist core values, and can also be regarded as utilitarian means and moral purpose of the pursuit of different values. In this sense,the socialist core values are the same as the choice of the value of Confucianism.
作者 薛宇 陈鹏
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期58-62,共5页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 河北省社会科学发展研究课题(201703010108)
关键词 儒家 社会主义核心价值观 Confucian righteousness benefit Socialist Core Values
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