

The Most Reliable Delivery Route Research Based on the Uncertainty of Interrupt
摘要 快递配送过程中,由于配送路线中断具有不确定性,导致不能选择最可靠的配送路线即快递配送网络的社会车流量最大时,不能选择一条出现中断可能性最小的配送路线。针对该问题,基于不确定网络最大流与E-99算法得到不同交通中断程度与对应该中断程度的车流量二维函数分布图,以该二维图为依据,借助边介数与Busacker-Gowan(迭代法)的思想,定义容量介数的内容并建立收发地确定、配送路线中断不确定的快递配送网络最可靠路线模型。最后的算例证明建立的模型在不同中断情形下选择的对应路线为最可靠路线。 In the process of express delivery, the deliveryroutes interruption has uncertainty which lead to can't choose the most reliable delivery routes. In the other word, when theexpress network owe the largest social traffic, it is impossibeto choice a least possible disruptions of delivery routes.Aimed at the problem, based on uncertain network maximumflow with E-99 algorithm to get a two -dimensional functiondistribution of different degree of traffic and the degree oftraffic to interrupt. Based on the two-dimensional figure, withthe aid of edge betweenness and Busacker-Gowan, define theconcept of capacity betweenness, and establish the most reli-able route of express distribution network model which thetransceiver is determine, the route interruption of delivery isuncertain. Last numerical example proved that the model indifferent interrupt case choose corresponding route for themost reliable route.
出处 《物流科技》 2018年第2期1-5,共5页 Logistics Sci-Tech
基金 国务院第三次全国经济普查项目 项目编号:2014JP001 国家社科基金项目 项目编号:15BGL014 陕西省软科学项目 项目编号:2016KRM082 西邮之星项目 项目编号:XY201506
关键词 不确定理论 最可靠配送路径 容量介数 Busacker-Gowan(迭代法) uncertainty theory most reliable route capacitybetweenness Busacker-Gowan
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