通过对2003-03上旬楚科奇海受暖空气影响过程中MODIS影像反演得到的海冰表面温度(IST)和表层雪粒径(SGZ)等参数的变化进行研究,解释冰雪参数对环境因子变动的响应机制。研究发现,MODIS热红外反演得到的IST对气温(AT)变化的响应比较迅速。根据03-10 IST与AT可建立响应函数IST(AT),进而得到IST与IST(AT)的差值e图像,e可作为剔除气温影响后的冰面温度异常指数,有助于优化基于MODIS IST的冰间水道的提取。
Sea ice surface temperature(IST) and snow grain size(SGZ) of Chukchi Sea in the early March in 2003, were retrieved from MODIS images in this paper. And the trend of these parameters in response to air temperature change was studied. IST retrieved from MODIS thermal infrared images was found to respond very quickly according to 2 m air temperature from ECMWF. IST and AT data on March 10 th were used to establish a response function IST(AT), and an e value map was obtained from IST and fitted IST(AT). The e value was found to be very sensitive to density of sea ice lead, thus could be used to modified ice lead detection from MODSI ice surface temperature data. And SGZ retrieved with high solar zenith angle should be validated with real-time weather condition before any reasonable conclusion.
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