在分析遗传算法的基础上 ,针对网架结构中杆件类材料的下料问题 ,提出了一种优化下料的求解算法。该算法采用直接编码方式 ,结合优先适合搜索方法 ,经过交叉、变异、评估过程求得较优解。该算法的结果不依赖于初始值的选取。经算例证明 ,该算法运行时间少。
A optimizing algorithm for packing problems about struss structures is put forward based on analysis of genetic algorithm The method of direct coding is adopted in it The optimal result is gotten by cross,aberrance,evaluation combined with heuristic optimization method,and it is independent on initial value Proved by sample,that cutting solution is optiminal used the algorithm
Steel Construction