
图书馆联盟参与数字出版的角色与现状 被引量:12

The Role and Status Quo of Library Consortia's Participating in Digital Publishing
摘要 文章以图书馆联盟国际共同体提供的相关数据为研究线索,对全球188个图书馆联盟参与数字出版的情况进行调研,分析其承担的角色和发展的特点。图书馆联盟作为图书馆资源共享、利益互惠的共同体,其角色和职能始终伴随时代和图书馆需求的变化而变化。面临数字出版的新环境和愈演愈烈的学术期刊价格危机,图书馆联盟开始参与数字出版以满足日益增长的信息资源存储和利用的需求。 The library consortium, as a library resource sharing and a reciprocal community, has always changed its roles and functions with the times and the needs of libraries. Facing the new environment of digital publishing and the growing price crisis of academic journal issues, the library consortium began to participate in digital publishing to meet the growing demand for information resource storage and utilization. Based on the relevant information provided by the International Coalition of Library Consortia, this paper makes a research on the 188 library consortia’s participation in digital publishing, and analyzes their role and development characteristics.
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期32-36,共5页 Library
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"学术图书馆参与数字出版的角色和模式研究"(项目编号:16ATQ003)的研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆联盟 数字出版 角色与现状 Library consortia Digital publishing Role and status quo
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