
社交网络情境下社会资本影响知识共享的效果分析 被引量:7

Analysis of the Effect of Social Capital on Knowledge Sharing in the Context of Social Networking
摘要 经过前人的不断研究和摸索,目前,我们通常将社会资本划分为3个维度:认知维度、结构维度和关系维度,结合问卷调查获取的数据开展相关性和回归分析。结果显示,社会资本的3个维度在知识共享的质量效果和数量上均产生了较大的正面影响:从知识共享的质量效果的角度来看,正面影响的因素有3个:1)认知维度中的共同愿景和语言;2)结构维度的中心性;3)关系维度中的社区信任和认可;从知识共享的数据的角度来看,产生显著影响的因素有认知维度中的共同的愿景和语言和关系维度中的社区信任和认可。 On the basis of previous studies,social capital is divided into three dimensions: structural dimension,cognitive dimension and relational dimension,the study choose the question-and-answer social platform of zhihu as the research object,combined with the questionnaire survey to obtain the data to carry out the correlation and regression analysis.The analysis results showed that the structural dimension of social capital had positive influence on the quality effect of knowledge sharing,but it had no effect on the quantity effect of knowledge sharing. The common language and common vision in cognitive dimension had positive influence on the quality and quantity effect of knowledge sharing. Community recognition in the relationship dimension had a positive effect on the quality and quantity effect of knowledge sharing; Trust has only positive influence on the quality of knowledge sharing,and it had no significant influence on the quantity of knowledge sharing; And reciprocity had a positive impact on the amount of knowledge sharing,and the quality of knowledge sharing was not significant.
作者 曹玲 顾兵光
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2018年第2期41-47,共7页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"转型中的工会实践对民营企业绩效的影响研究"(项目编号:16BGL100)
关键词 社交网络 情境 社会资本 知识共享 影响因素 效果 维度 social network context social capital knowledge sharing influnce factors effect dimension
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