
研究分配问题必须从生产资料所有制出发——研究分配问题的一个方法论原则 被引量:9

The Study of Distribution Must Proceed from the Ownership of the Means of Production——A Methodological Principle for the Study of Distribution
摘要 必须重视马克思主义关于分配问题的基本原理。生产决定分配,分配方式是由生产方式决定的。分配关系是具体的、历史的,不能脱离生产方式抽象地研究分配问题。世界上没有抽象的公平分配。不同生产关系有不同的公平标准。围绕着分配问题兜圈子,是庸俗社会主义。毛泽东批评了分配决定论,强调研究分配问题必须从生产资料所有制出发。交换不能决定分配方式,只能影响分配方式的具体实现形式。不能夸大市场经济的作用,仿佛我国实行市场经济这种运行机制就使得分配领域从按劳分配变为按要素贡献进行分配。我国分配制度是由社会主义初级阶段的所有制结构决定的,公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展,决定了分配制度是按劳分配为主,按劳分配与按要素分配相结合。我国分配制度的演变是由所有制结构演变引起的,不能把分配制度的演变概括为"从按劳分配到共同富裕"。 The basic principle of Marxism on distribution must be attached importance to.Production determines distribution,and the mode of distribution is determined by the mode of production.The relation of distribution is concrete and historical,and can not be studied abstractly without considering the mode of production.There is no abstract fair distribution in the world.Different production relations have different standards for fairness.It is vulgar socialism to circle around the problem of distribution.Mao Zedong once criticized the theory of distribution determinism and stressed that the study of distribution had to proceed from the ownership of means of production.Exchange can not determine the distribution method,but only affects the concrete realization of the distribution method.We shall not exaggerate the role of market economy by stating that China's operating mechanism of implementing market economy changes the distribution method from distribution according to work to distribution according to the contribution of elements.China's distribution system is determined by the ownership structure of the primary stage of socialism.The system of the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side determines the distribution system that distribution according to work remains dominant and is combined with distribution according to elements.The evolution of China's distribution system is caused by the evolution of the ownership structure.The evolution of the distribution system can not be summed up as a process "from distribution according to work to common prosperity".
作者 周新城
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期22-27,共6页 Contemporary Economic Research
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