
驳船-吊物系统耦合动力学建模分析 被引量:1

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis for Barge-Crane Load Coupled System During the Lifting Operation
摘要 以海上吊装为背景,针对吊物从驳船上起吊这个过程,建立了8自由度的驳船-吊物耦合动力学模型。并提出了吊装隔振方案,通过平均法对隔振环节的阻尼参数的选取进行了研究。在模型中,考虑了驳船在海面上的纵荡、横荡、升沉、横摇、纵摇和首摇6个自由度以及吊索的张紧-松弛现象。在起吊过程中,引入驳船与吊物的位移约束,并通过Baumgarte违约稳定法进行求解。基于上述模型,对吊物在不同刚度和阻尼参数下的动力学特性进行了分析,为实际海上吊装提供分析方法和技术指导。 Base on the offshore lifting process, the 8-DOF coupled dynamic model between the barge and crane load is established. Then, the isolation scheme of crane load lifted from the barge is presented. The average method is used to analyze the optimal performance of the isolator. Then, the 8-DOF coupled dynamic model between the barge and the crane load is established. This model includes the surge, roll, sway, pitch, heave and yaw motion of the barge and the effect of the tensioning and relaxing of hoisting rope. During the process, the displacement of barge is introduced into the model and the Baumgarte method is used to solve the model. Base on the above model, the dynamic response of crane load is calculated under different stiffness and damping parameters of isolators. It can provide the dynamic analysis method and technical guidance for hoisting of the crane load,
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期65-68,75,共5页 Machine Design And Research
基金 国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(51205249)
关键词 吊物 驳船 耦合 隔振 动力学 crane load barge coupled dynamic isolation
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