
国际体育仲裁院发展现状及其发展建议 被引量:1

The Current Situation and Development Proposals of Court of Arbitration for Sport
摘要 国际体育仲裁院自1984年建立以来已经有30余年的发展历程,较建立之初,国际体育仲裁院已经进行了较大的调整,其在国际体育仲裁领域发挥了重要作用,其仲裁裁决也享有至高的法律地位。然而随着时间的推移,国际体育仲裁院也面临着新的挑战,一些国家法院纷纷质疑仲裁结果,使得国际体育仲裁院的改革势在必行。作为体育大国的中国,能否在这个潮流中建立起自己的体育仲裁机制,也值得我们的期待。 Since 1984 Court of Arbitration for Sport was established, it has been 30 years of development history.Compared to the beginning of the establishment of Court of Arbitration for Sport, it has made great adjustments,a nd it has played an important role in the field of international sports arbitration,whose arbitration award also enjoy the legal status of the supreme. However,with the passage of time,Court of Arbitration for Sport is also facing new challenges,and some national courts have questioned the outcome of arbitration,which makes the reform of Court of Arbitration for Sport imperative. As a big sports country,China can set up its own sports arbitration mechanism in this trend or not,which is also worth our expectation.
作者 罗霄
出处 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期37-42,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science
关键词 国际体育仲裁院 争议解决 运动员人权 中国体育仲裁 Court of Arbitration for Sport, dispute resolution,Athletes' human fights, Chinese sports arbitration
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