采用Aspen Plus软件分别在用水和二氧化碳中和燃烧温度的前提下,对天然气富氧燃烧燃气-蒸汽联合循环中的3种汽水循环系统(单压、双压再热以及三压再热)进行模拟,采用敏感度分析工具对各系统的压力进行匹配。结果表明,烟气中含水量高时,汽化潜热不易释放,富氧燃烧联合循环系统不适合采用水作为中和燃烧温度的介质。当用二氧化碳中和燃烧温度时,在这3种汽水循环系统中,三压再热汽水循环系统的发电功率最大,为139.88 MW,效率也最高,热效率为0.29,火用效率为0.52。
The Aspen Plus software is adopted to simulate three steam-water cycle systems including single pressure steam-water cycle,dual pressure reheat steam-water cycle and triple pressure reheat steam-water cycle in gas-steam combined cycle with natural gas oxy-fuel combustion,under the circumstance that water or carbon dioxide is used to neutralize the combustion temperature,respectively. The sensitivity analysis tool is applied to match the pressure of different systems.The results show that combined cycle system with oxyfuel combustion is not suitable for use of water as a medium for neutralizing combustion temperature because the gasification latent heat is difficult to release when the water content in fuel gas is high. When carbon dioxide is used to neutralize the combustion temperature,the generated power of the triple pressure reheat steamwater cycle is the highest among three steam-water cycle systems,and the value is 138. 89 MW,the efficiency reaches the maximum as well,the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency are 0. 29 and 0. 52,respectively.
Gas & Heat