
实干兴邦的重返与出发 被引量:1

The Thinking of Making the Nation Thrive through Practical Action: Return and Departure
摘要 实干兴邦需要社会主义核心价值观作保障,需要确立根与魂,儒学实干兴邦伦理思想体系是中华优秀传统文化的核心内容,也是实干兴邦的根与魂。推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展,需要切实可行的路径,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观就是儒学伦理思想体系创造性转化、创新性发展的最佳路径。《周易》乾坤模型与阴阳定律是儒学实干兴邦的立论之基、学说之本,是儒学伦理思想体系的圆心、基点和坐标,有着丰赡、独特且自成体系的"修齐治平"价值生态。它能够生成"自强不息、厚德载物、持正守中、圆融自在"四大伦理思想体系,其中蕴含着丰富的实干兴邦之策、治国理政之方、建设人类命运共同体韬略,是集五千年中华智慧大成的顶层政治设计框架方案与治国伦理思想模型。广泛弘扬社会主义核心价值观需要对儒学伦理思想体系作历史性重返、孵化与再出发。重返儒学传统并不等于直接走向未来,需要构建伦理场域予以孵化,儒学长期形成的时间、空间、能量、生态张力是孵化、培育社会主义核心价值体系的现实场域,能为齐家、治国、平天下乃至中国走向世界舞台中央撑开一个巨型域境。 The Thinking of Making the Nation Thrive through Practical Action needs to be supported by the core socialist values in establishing its root and character.The thinking takes root in Confucianism which has a whole ethics and thinking system dedicated to it, making up a core part of the fine traditional Chinese culture. A practical route needs op the fine traditional Chinese culture, and the to be developed in order to creatively evolve and develbest way to creatively evolve and develop the Confucian ethics and thinking system is to cultivate and practice the socialist core values. The Heaven-Earth Model and the Law of Yin and Yang (lit. dark and bright) in I Ching are the root and essence of the thinking of Making the Nation Thrive through Practical Action in Confucianism as well as the core, basis and coordinate of the Confucian ethics and thinking system. They possess a rich, unique and inde- pendent value system that is described as: Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated, their families were regulated, their states were rightly governed.Their states being rightly governed.They also contain rich strategies for how to make the nation thrive through practical action, to govern the state and to create a community of shared future for mankind. Being the epitome of the Chinese wisdom of 5000 years ago, they are also the framework of the political top-level design and the model for the ethics and thinking of governing.To widely promote core socialist values, we shall return to the origin of the Confucian ethics and thinking system, then create room for it to incubate and lastly depart again.To move forward into the future, we need to do more than just returning to the Confucian origin, we also need to construct the ethics field for it to incubate.
作者 黄明超
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2018年第1期5-11,共7页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 2015年度重庆社会科学规划一般项目"培育和践行社会主义核心价值观背景下儒学实干兴邦伦理思想体系及实现路径研究"(2015YBZX 019)
关键词 社会主义核心价值观 实干兴邦 儒学伦理思想 历史重返 场域孵化 the core socialist values thinking of making the nation thrive through practical action Confucian ethics and thinking return to the origin field incubation
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