
黄淮海北部不同熟期夏玉米品种灌浆和脱水特性研究 被引量:10

Study on Grain Filling and Dehydration Characteristics of Summer Maize Varieties Differing in Maturities in North of Huanghuaihai Region
摘要 【目的】明确黄淮海北部地区不同熟期夏玉米品种灌浆和脱水特性的差异,为该地区筛选适宜熟期机收玉米品种提供理论依据。【方法】选用黄淮海北部地区3个不同熟期的夏玉米品种,在同一密度水平下,研究不同品种灌浆过程中百粒干重、百粒鲜重、灌浆速率以及脱水速率的差异,运用Logistics方程对灌浆前、中、后期进行了解析,并对各参数和产量之间的关系进行了相关分析。【结果】3个品种产量差异显著,中早熟品种衡玉1587产量显著高于其他2个品种,早熟品种华美1号和晚熟品种蠡玉16产量差异不显著。3个品种籽粒鲜重在整个灌浆期表现出"快速增长-缓慢下降"的趋势,籽粒鲜重最大值均出现在花后40 d。3个品种灌浆速率均呈单峰曲线,灌浆峰值均出现在花后20 d,衡玉1587最高,蠡玉16最低。Logistic方程可较好地拟合3个品种籽粒灌浆过程(R2>0.99)。相关分析表明,品种产量与穗粒数、穗行数、千粒重、最大灌浆速率(G_(max))、平均灌浆速率(G_(mean))、积累起始势(R0)、各灌浆时期粒重增量和平均灌浆速率呈正相关,其中和行粒数呈极显著正相关,和千粒重呈显著正相关;品种产量和渐增期持续时间(T_1)呈显著负相关。【结论】黄淮海北部地区适宜中早熟品种广泛种植。 【Objective】A field experiment was conducted to illustrate the differences of grain filling and dehydration characteristics of summer maize varieties in the north of Huanghuaihai Region,providing a theoretical basis for selecting suitable ripening maize varieties in this area.【Method】In this study,the differences of 100 grain dry weight,100 grain fresh weight,grain filling rate and dehydration rate of different varieties were studied under the same density,and the Logistics equation was used to analyze the relationship between parameters and yield.【Result】the yield of three varieties was significant,the yield of mid-early maturity variety Hengyu1587 was significantly higher than the other two varieties,the yield difference of Huamei1 and late maturity variety Liyu16 was not significant. The 100-kernel fresh weight of three varieties showed‘rapid growth-slow decline'at the whole grain-filling stage,three varieties of 100-kernel fresh weight appeared after 40 days of grain-filling. The grain-filling rate of three varieties all showed a single peak curve,the peak value of grouting appeared at 20 days after grain-filling,the peak value of Hengyu1587 was the highest and Liyu was the lowest. The Logistic equation can well fit the three varieties of grain-filling stage( R2 0. 99) Correlation analysis showed that the grain rows per ear,grains per row and 1000-grain weight,the maximum filling rate(G_(max)),the average filling rate( Gmean),the initial accumulation potential( R_0),the filling period of positive grain weight increment and average grain filling rate were positive correlation and grains per row,which showed a extremely significantly positive correlation,and 1000-grain weight showed a significantly positive correlation to yield,and the duration days of early stage( T1) showed a significantly negative correlation to yield. 【Conclusion】This area was suitable for mid-early maturity varieties widely planted in the north of Huanghuaihai region.
作者 岳海旺 卜俊周 魏建伟 陈淑萍 彭海成 谢俊良 李洁 郭安强 YUE Hal-wang;BU Jun-zhou;WEI Jian-wei;CHEN Shu-ping;PENG Hai-cheng;XIE Jun-liang;LI Jie;GUO An-qiang(Dryland Farming Institute, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Crops Drought Resist- ance Research, Hebei Hengshui 053000, Chin)
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期2659-2666,共8页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家玉米产业技术体系项目(nycytx-02) 河北省科技支撑计划项目"高产广适夏玉米新品种选育"(16226323D-X) 河北省农林科学院青年基金项目"美国耐密型玉米种质资源引进与利用研究"(A2015040101)
关键词 黄淮海 熟期 灌浆 脱水 产量 Huanghuaihai Maturity Grain-filling Dehydra-tion Yield
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