With the implementation of "The Belt and Road" initiative continuously, domestic academia have gradually formed the consensus of the cause and purpose of "The Belt and Road" initiative, but they still have some misunderstandings on the relationship between "The Belt and Road" initiative and Northeast Asia. This is not only because their misunderstanding of the Northeast Asia geographical range, but also lies in the rigid understanding of "The Belt and Road" initiative. In fact, in the six major international economic cooperation corridor under the background of "The Belt and Road", "China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor', "New Eurasian Land Bridge" and "China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor" are related to Northeast Asia closely. How to respond to the construction of the three major international economic cooperation corridor will directly affect the future direction of the evolution of economic order in Northeast Asia.
Piao Yianyi(National Institute of International Strategy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100732)
Northeast Asia Economic Research