对抚河上游生态公益林4种森林类型枯落物层和土壤层的水文效应进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)4种森林类型枯落物现存量的变化范围为2.9~5.96 t·hm-2,其中杉木林枯落物的现存量最大,针叶混交林最小;4种森林类型枯落物最大持水率表现为毛竹林>针阔混交林>针叶混交林>杉木林;(2)4种森林类型的土壤容重表现为针阔混交林>竹林>针叶混交林>杉木林,回归分析表明:森林土壤的最大持水量(y)与容重(x1)、非毛管孔隙度(x2)、毛管孔隙度(x3)和石砾体积含量(x4)有显著的线性关系(P<0.01),表现为y=704.328-518.829x1+2.784x2+7.697x3+2.787x4(R2=0.883);土壤有效蓄水量中,针阔混交林(434.97 t·hm-2)>竹林(397.40 t·hm-2)>针叶混交林(380.05 t·hm-2)>杉木林(328.05t·hm-2);(3)针阔混交林和竹林的枯落物层和土壤层的综合水源涵养能力优于针叶混交林和杉木林,建议加强对针阔混交林和竹林的保护,提高森林生态系统在涵养水源、保持水土方面的生态功能。
A pilot study of hydrological effects of litters layer and soil layer was carried out in four kinds of forest types in the upper reaches of Fuhe River. The result showed that:(1) The litter contents of the four forest types ranged from 2.9 ~5.96 t·hm-2, and the largest was in Cunninghamia lanceolate forests, while the lowest was in coniferous mixed fore sts. The maximum rate of holding water was given as follows: Phyllostachys edulis forests mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests coniferous mixed forests C. lanceolate forests.(2) The soil bulk density in the four forest types was given as follows:mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests Ph. heterocycle forests coniferous mixed forests C. lanceolate forests.Regression analysis showed that the rel ationships of soil maximum water holding capacity(y) with soil bulk density(x1), noncapillary porosity(x2), capillary porosity(x3) and rock contents(x4)can be well-described in a liner relationship(P0.01), i.e.y =704.328-518.829 x1+2.784 x2+7.697 x3+2.787 x4(R2=0.883). The effective holding water capacity of soil of mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests was the largest among the four forest types, followed by Ph. heterocycle forests and coniferous mixed forests, while C. lanceolate forests was lowest.(3) The comprehensive soil water conservations of litter and soil of mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests and Ph. heterocycle forests were superior to the others, so the best way is to protect them and to improve the ecological functions.
South China Forestry Science
upper reaches of Fuhe River
litterfall layer
soil layer
hydrological effects