

Design of Constant Temperature System for Biogas Fermentation Tank
摘要 针对宁夏气温及出租车用气的需求,利用产气-产热-恒温-产气过程模型,设计了沼气发酵罐恒温系统。秸秆发酵产生沼气,沼气加压成天然气用于出租车用气,取部分沼气燃烧生成热量用于预热发酵料液,减少循环水管道散热损失、发酵罐散热损失。并和国内外大中型沼气工程中常用的热水循环加热法作对比。结果表明:沼气发酵罐恒温系统(罐外预热发酵料液的方法),减少沼气及其他能源的使用,所需的沼气用量是总产气量的15.3%。 In view of demand of temperature and taxi gas in Ningxia,constant temperature system of biogas fermentation tank was designed by using model of gas producing-heat-constant temperature-gas producing process. The straw was fermented to produce methane,the methane was pressurized into natural gas to be used for taxi gas,the partial methane was burned to generate heat for preheating fermentation liquid,heat loss of circulating water pipe was reduced,and heat dissipation loss of fermentation tank was reduced. And it was compared with hot water cycle heating method commonly used in large and medium scale biogas projects both at home and abroad. Results showed that biogas fermentation tank constant temperature system( method of preheating fermentation liquid outside tank) could reduce use of biogas and other energy sources,and amount of methane needed was 15. 3% of total gas production.
作者 倪越 丁文捷
出处 《农业工程》 2017年第6期63-66,117,共5页 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
关键词 沼气 厌氧发酵装置 热损失 恒温系统 Biogas, Anaerobic fermentation unit, Heat loss, Constant temperature system
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