在直齿圆柱齿轮高频试验机上对材料牌号为18CrNiMo7-6的直齿圆柱齿轮进行弯曲疲劳试验,获取了该齿轮相关疲劳寿命数据。综合运用SolidWorks与ANSYS Workbench Fatigue Tool对该合金钢齿轮进行疲劳寿命仿真,获取了相关疲劳仿真结果。仿真结果与疲劳寿命对比分析表明,在满足一定的工程精度的情况下,可采用ANSYS Workbench Fatigue Tool快速获零部件的相关疲劳寿命结果,降低产品研发周期与研发成本,具有一定工程参考意义。
In order to get the fatigue life data of the straight spur gear, using the straight spur gear high frequeney testing machine, the straight spur gear which is used 18CrNiMo7-6 alloy steel is taken a bending fatigue experiment. The alloy steel gear fatigue life has been simulated by using SolidWorks. and ANSYS Workbench Fatigue Tool and the related fatigue simulation result is obtained. Compared simulation result with test data, it is showed that we can get related fatigue life result of the mechanical part quickly by using ANSYS Workbench Fatigue Tool to meet certain precision engineering cases. It reduces the product development cycles and development costs and it also has some engineering reference.
Machinery Design & Manufacture