
《巴黎圣母院》人物形象再分析 被引量:1

Re-analysis of the Characters in the Novel “Notre Dame de Paris”
摘要 雨果的《巴黎圣母院》以表现人性的真、善、美和假、恶、丑为主题,小说中通过三个主要人物克洛德、卡西莫多与爱斯梅拉达表现这一创作主旨。自小说问世以来,评论者给予克洛德人性的恶以较多批判与否定,而赋予卡西莫多和爱斯梅拉达的人性美以大量赞美与肯定。现实生活中人性是复杂的,有时善与恶的界限极其模糊,同样克洛德、卡西莫多、爱斯梅拉达这三个文学形象也并非截然的善恶对立,文学批评需要客观分析人物形象,需要读者在内心见一架公平的天平。克洛德与卡西莫多自幼缺乏关爱,没有朋友,与尘世接触很少,一定程度上造成他们性格孤僻,二人的不幸之中有着诸多令人同情之处。同样爱斯梅拉达这一美的代表其人性也有虚荣与浮华的弱点令读者扼腕叹息。 Victor Hugo revealed the true, the good, the beautiful, and the false, the evil, the ugly in human' s nature in his masterpiece "Notre Dame de Paris" . He took three characters in this novel to manifest the human nature, namely, Clodd · Frollo, Quasimodo, Esmeralda. Observers have expressed heavy criticisms to Clodd · Frollo' s evil nature while great praises to Quasimodo' s and Esmeralda' s beautiful nature since the novel was published. The paper argues that the human nature is complicated in reality and sometimes it is vague in limit between the good and the evil. Hence, literary criticism has to analyze the characters in literary works Objectively and cannot set the good against the evil in the observers' comment, especially in the three characters in "Notre Dame de Paris".
作者 贾文慧
出处 《乌鲁木齐职业大学学报》 2017年第4期37-41,共5页 Journal of Urumqi Vocational University
关键词 《巴黎圣母院》 克洛德·弗洛罗 卡西莫多 爱斯美拉达 双重人性 Notre Dame de Paris Clodd · Frollo Quasimodo Esmeralda double humanity
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  • 1George Steiner, "Foreword," in Peter Conradi ed. , Existentialists and Mystic: Writings on Philosophy and Literature (Allen Lane: The Penguin Press, 1997) xi.
  • 2Iris Murdoch, "The Sovereignty of Good over Other Concepts," in The Sovereignty of Good ( New York : Schocken, 1971 ) 79.
  • 3Iris Murdoch, The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato Banished the Artists ( Oxford: Clarendon, 1978) 46 -47.
  • 4Iris Murdoch, "Against Dryness," in Existentialists and Mystics, 294.
  • 5Suguna Ramanathan, Iris Murdoch: Figures of Good (London: Macmillan Press Ltd, 1990) 9.
  • 6Iris Murdoch, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (New York: Allen Lane / Penguin, 1993) 488.
  • 7Joyce Carol Oates, The New Republic, November 18, 1978, in Dedria Bryfonski ed. , Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 11 (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1979) 390.
  • 8Iris Murdoch, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, 474.
  • 9Iris Murdoch, "The Sovereignty of Good over Other Concepts," in Existentialists and Mystics, 384.
  • 10Ann Gossman, "Icons and Idols in Murdoch's A Severed Head'," in Critique: Studies in Modem Fiction, Vol. ⅩⅧ, No. 3 (1977) 96.











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