
naoe-FOAM-SJTU Solver for Numerical Study of Vortex-Induced Motions of a Buoyancy Can in Currents 被引量:3

naoe-FOAM-SJTU Solver for Numerical Study of Vortex-Induced Motions of a Buoyancy Can in Currents
摘要 This paper presents 3D (three-dimensional) CFD (computational fluid dynamic) simulation to analyse the FIR (flow-induced response) especially the yaw motion of a buoyancy can. The numerical cases are conducted with a buoyancy can under different reduced velocities utilizing our in-house code naoe-FOAM-SJTU, a solver based on the open source toolkit OpenFOAM. SST-DDES (shear-stress transport-delayed detached-eddy simulation) model is applied to handle the flowseparation and overset grid method is utilized to solve a large amplitude 6-DOF (6 degrees of freedom) motions. Free decay test and VIM (vortex-induced motion) test are built numerically. In VIM cases, the responses of trajectory, amplitude, frequency are calculated in a series of reduced velocities. With the increase of reduced velocity, yaw frequency is increased, which is similar to surge and sway frequency. And yaw frequency is equal to the sway frequency, which is consistent with experimental results. Furthermore, comparing two cases, one fixed in rotation and the other one free in rotation, it can be concluded that release in the degree of rotation can decrease the sway amplitude but make no difference in the surge amplitude. 这份报纸论述 3D (三维) CFD (计算液体动态) 特别分析 FIR (导致流动的反应) 的模拟快活的 yaw 运动能。数字盒子在利用我们的内部代码 naoe-FOAM-SJTU 的不同减少的速度下面与一个快活罐头被进行,一个解答者基于开放源代码工具箱 OpenFOAM。SST-DDES (砍压力推迟运输的分开旋涡的模拟) 模型被使用处理 flowseparation 并且搅乱格子方法被利用解决大振幅 6-DOF (自由的 6 度) 运动。免费腐烂测试和活力(导致旋涡的运动) 测试数字地被造。在活力情况中,轨道的回答,振幅,频率在一系列减少的速度被计算。随减少的速度的增加,偏航频率被增加,它是类似的澎湃并且摇晃频率。并且偏航频率等于摇摆频率,它与试验性的结果一致。而且,比较二个盒子,依次修理的盒子和另一个依次释放,在旋转罐头减少的度释放摇摆振幅,但是没在巨浪振幅有差别,这能被结束。
出处 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2017年第6期223-232,共10页 船舶与海洋工程(英文版)
基金 Acknowledgements This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51490675, 51379125, 11432009, 51579145), Chang Jiang Scholars Program (T2014099), Shanghai Excellent Academic Leaders Program (17XD1402300), Shanghai Key Laboratory of Marine Engineering (K2015-11), Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning (2013022), Innovative Special Project of Numerical Tank of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (2016-23/09) and Lloyd's Register Foundation for doctoral student, to which the authors are most grateful.
关键词 Buoyancy can DDES overset grid vortex-induced motions. 快活罐头;DDES;搅乱格子;导致旋涡的运动。
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