随着互联网时代日新月异的发展,随着互联网+时代的移动UI的全民化普及。在大众创业,万众创新的经济新常态下,无论是企业还是个人,都看到了互联网的商机,也发现了交互设计良好的用户体验带给企业的价值。除了基础的技术支持,一个成功UI产品离不开心理学方面的设计,本文基于支付宝、微信、ISO Store等移动APP的界面设计,探索其背后应用的设计心理学原理,为UI设计者在心理学设计方面提供了一定的参考方法。
With the rapid development of the Internet era, with the popularization of mobile UI of the Internet + era, it is popularizing. To and in the popular business innovation under the new normar, whether business or personal, see the Internet business opportunities, also found the interaction design good user experience to bring the value of the enterprise, in addition to basic technical support, a successful UI product can't be separated from the design of psychology, Based on alipay, WeChat, ISO Store mobile APP interface design, to explore the APPlication of design psychology principles behind, for UI designers to provide certain reference in psychology.