In this paper, we propose a new approach to recognize human action, which uses the representation of 3D skeleton sequence- snippet. A human action is represented by 3D joint locations sequence,which can be seen as a series of high-dimensional points. We divide an action sequence into skeleton sequence-snippets through traditional sliding window method. For each skeleton sequence-snip- pet, we compute the poims mean as Major Posture Feature { MPF } and extract the top-K eigenvectors of corresponding covariance ma- trix as Main Tendency Feature{ MTF). The representation of the snippet is the combination of MPF and MTF, and we define a 3D skeleton sequence snippet-snippet distance measurement method which takes both MPF and MTF into consideration. To encode global temporal relationship,Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is used to measure the distance between different human actions which is composed of a series of sequence-snippets. We assign the test action to be the train action label that has the closest distance. Our approach is applied in the publicly available KARD and CAD60 datasets, and experiment results show that the proposed approach is effective for human action recognition task.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems