
磁共振和CT检查在多发性脑梗死患者中的应用价值观察 被引量:2

Application value of magnetic resonance and CT examination in patients with multiple cerebral infarction
摘要 目的:探讨在多发性脑梗死患者中应用CT检查以及磁共振检查的临床价值与效果。方法:收治多发性脑梗死患者58例,分别予以CT检查、磁共振检查。观察CT检查与磁共振检查之后的不同发病时间检出率、不同体积病灶检出率、不同部位梗死检出率。结果:发病时间<24 h的患者CT检出率低于磁共振检出率,CT检查<2 mm病灶检出率低于磁共振,磁共振检查不同部位梗死情况优于CT(P<0.05)。结论:在诊断多发性脑梗死中磁共振检查以及CT检查均存在一定效果,但是磁共振更值得应用。 Objective:To explore the clinical value and effect of CT examination and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in patients with multiple cerebral infarction.Methods:58 patients with multiple cerebral infarction were examined by CT and magnetic resonance imaging respectively.The detection time of CT and different time of onset,the detection rate of different volume lesions and the detection rate of different parts of infarction were observed.Results:The time of onset was less than 24 h,and the detection rate of CT was lower than MRI.The detection rate of CT was less than 2 mm,and the detection rate of lesions was lower than MRI.The location of infarction in different parts of MRI was better than CT(P0.05).Conclusion:MRI and CT in the diagnosis of multiple cerebral infarction are effective,but MRI is more worthy of application.
作者 田万科 Tian Wanke(Image Center,the People's Hospital of Xifeng District,Qingyang City of Gansu Province 74500)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2018年第5期118-118,120,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 磁共振 CT检查 多发性脑梗死 Magneticresonance(MRI) CTexamination Multiplecerebralinfarction
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