
玻璃粉水泥浆的初期水化产物和浆体结构 被引量:10

Early-age Hydrates and Paste Structure of Glass Powder Cement Paste
摘要 采用SEM、XRD研究了玻璃粉水泥浆的初期水化产物、浆体结构。并用化学结合水量和有效结合水法来定性和定量分析玻璃粉对水化初期复合体系及水泥的促进或抑制作用以及作用程度。研究表明:在水化反应初期(1 d内),因为玻璃粉的掺入既由此而产生的稀释作用使有效水灰比增加而产生的对水泥熟料水化的促进作用,因此,硅酸盐水泥熟料的水化程度较高,但从整体来看,大掺量(50%)的玻璃粉延缓了复合胶凝材料总水化程度;水化开始(6 h^1 d)时,水化反应开始加速进行,水化产物的数量迅速增加,主要为纤维状CSH凝胶、针棒状钙矾石晶体和Ca(OH)_2,这些水化产物彼此间相互搭接、交错生长,部分未水化的水泥颗粒镶嵌其中,并将玻璃粉粘结成整体,构成体系骨架。 The early-age hydration products and paste microstructure of glass powder cement paste were investigated by SEM and XRD,the concept of chemically combined water content and effective method of chemically combined water were proposed to evaluate the effect of glass powder on the composite binder and cement in the early-age hydration.The results show that adding amount of glass powder can produce dilution effect to enhance effective water cement ratio,and accelerate hydration process of cement clinker within the early hydration(1 d).Thus,the hydration degree of Portland cement clinker is relatively high,however,as a whole,a large of amount of glass powder(50%) are delayed the total hydration degree of complex blinder material.A large amount of hydration products that mainly fiber-form CSH、needle-bar-like ettringite crystal and Ca(OH)_2 are formed between 6 h to 1 d.The hydration products are lapped and interlocked growth to contain some partial not hydration of cement particle,the hydration products and glass powder are bonding to produce system skeleton.
作者 刘光焰 樊磊 高鹏飞 金大智 LIU Guang-yania;FAN Lei;GAO Peng-fei;J IN Da-zhi(Guangxi Key Laboratory of New Energy and Building Energy Saving, Guilin 541004,China;College of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China;Depaetment of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期86-91,共6页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 国家自然科学基金(51468014) 广西有色金属及特色材料加工国家重点实验室培育基地开放基金(001102215021) 广西教育厅经费资助(002501216035)
关键词 玻璃粉水泥浆 初期水化产物 水化程度 微观结构 glass powder cement paste early-age hydration product hydration degree microstructure
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