

Two Topics about ZHANG Shizhao 's Comment Quatrains on Modern Poets
摘要 抗战时期,汪辟疆改定了《光宣诗坛点将录》,章士钊索去缮本,又就其师友所知者,吟咏诗家70人,作绝句146首,惟旨在论人,不在论诗。汪辟疆亟附入《点将录》,同时作了若干增补和注释。1985年,程千帆先生据汪辟疆手稿进行整理,又加入大量案语,形成了汪录、章诗、汪注、程案四者叠加的互证性文本,可以说是现代中国学术史上一份极其罕见的复合型文献。章士钊《论近代诗家绝句》表面看来是因汪辟疆《点将录》激发而创作出来的组诗,绝非一时兴到之作,实则蕴涵了一个相当漫长的心灵互动过程,因而吟咏对象已逸出汪录的范围。本文即针对这一现象,考证《论近代诗家绝句》的创作时间、吟咏对象与汪录之间的关系等基本问题,还《论近代诗家绝句》的本来面目,以廓清《论近代诗家绝句》研究中存在的某些误区,彰显其诗学价值和史料价值。 During the war of resistance against Japan, WANG Bijiang revisedthe "World of Tanks General of poetic circles during Guangxuan period" ZHANG Shizhao took it and Wrote 146 quatrains regarding 70 po- ets who their teachers and friends know. Those quatrains just aimed at people, not in poetry. WANG bijiang urgently attached it to the "World of Tanks General of poetic circles during Guangxuan period" while making a number of additions and notes. In 1985, Mr. CHENG Qianfan made a large number of notes according to WANG Bijian's manuscripts, formed a mutual evidence of the text of these 4 persons. Can be said that this copy is an extremely rare compound literature in the modem Chinese academia. On the surface, ZHANG Shizhao S " Comment Quatrains on Modem Poets" was a series of poems be stimulated by WANG Lijiang's Book, In fact, it had contained a very long spiritual interaction process, This article is for this phenomenon, research on the writing time, the object of chanting and the relationship with WANG Bijinag~ book of ZHANG Shizhao ~ "Comment Quatrains on Modem Poets", to clarify some of the errors in the research of "Comment Quatrains on Modem Poets" and highlight its poetic value and historical value.
作者 闵定庆 张洲 MINDing -qing;ZHANG Zhou(College of Liberal Arts, South China Normal University, Guang zhou 510631, China;Research Institute of Cultural Industry, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Guang zhou 510635, China)
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2018年第1期65-69,共5页 Journal of Taishan University
关键词 章士钊 《论近代诗家绝句》 近代诗坛 诗论 诗史 ZHANG shizhao " Comment Quatrains on Modem Poets" modern poetry poetics poetry his-tory
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