运用冰壶统计软件CURS Statistic 2.0统计分析2013年冰壶混合双人世锦赛中国队及前8名队伍的技战术指标。结果表明,中国队单一技术扎实,组合技术有所欠缺,一垒投壶成功率较低,二垒投壶成功率较高。中国队后手得分能力、先手控分能力、本队先手得分能力评分明显偏低,战术过于规律,战术布局容易被打破,进攻战术能力较弱,难以有效控制对手的战术安排,缺乏关键场次把握和掌控能力。瑞典、捷克、瑞士、苏格兰等队先后手战术运用能力均衡,局势控制能力较强。后手得分能力与成绩正相关。中国队应加强围绕后手得分能力的技术训练,简化比赛局面,提高战术布局能力。
This thesis analyzes the skill and tactic index with curling statistical software CURS Statistic 2.0. The result shows that the shot percent of Chinese are less than Hungary, Sweden, and Czech Republic in round robin, FE% are higher than other team, means that it's difficult to control the tactical arrangements effectively of oppo- nent. Sweden, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Scotland team demonstrated the balanced between with hammer or without hammer, and controlled the situation strongly. There are no significant correlations between the index and score, but the HE% is significant correlations with score. The paper suggests that the main reasons of delivery errors tend, and the relationship with the tactical choices. Chinese should strengthen the skill around HE%, simplify the game situation, and improve the tactics layout ability.
Journal of Zhenjiang College