
画地为牢:领地行为是否抑制创造力? 被引量:6

Draw Boundaries to Restrict: Whether Territorial Behaviors Restrain Creativity?
摘要 领地行为在组织内广泛存在,个体标记和防卫自己的领地,这种划定与保卫所属区域或者显示所属关系的行为是否会抑制员工创造力的发挥?本文通过构建领地行为、创造力以及集体主义的理论模型,收集员工层面数据,运用多元回归方法实证检验领地行为与创造力的关系以及集体主义的调节作用。研究结果表明,领地行为没有抑制创造力,而是起到促进作用,即身份导向标记与创造力显著正相关;反应性防卫与创造力显著正相关;相比较而言,集体主义倾向高的个体,反应性防卫行为对创造力的影响更强。 Territorial behavior is widespread within the organization. Individuals mark and defend their own territory. We want to know whether these behaviors of delimiting and protecting their respective regions or showing their affiliation draw boundaries to restrict employee's creativity. This paper constructs the theoretical model of territorial behavior,creativity and collectivism,collects individual data,and uses multiple regression method to test the relationship between territorial behavior and creativity and moderation effect of collectivism. The results are as follows: identity-oriented behaviors are significantly positively correlated with creativity; reactive defense behaviors are significantly positively correlated with creativity; and collectivism positively moderates the relationship between reactive defense and creativity.
作者 娜仁 刘洪
出处 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期86-94,共9页 Collected Essays on Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(13YJC630113)
关键词 媒体报道 领地行为 创造力 集体主义 Territorial Behavior Creativity Collectivism
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