
帕金森病患者疲劳症状及其相关因素的研究 被引量:7

Study on fatigue symptoms and related factors in Parkinson's disease patients
摘要 目的研究帕金森病(PD)患者中疲劳症状的临床特征及其相关因素。方法采用16项帕金森病疲劳量表(PFS-16)对453例PD患者的疲劳状况进行评估,将其分为疲劳组(PFS-16平均评分≥3.3分界定为疲劳)和非疲劳组,并完成相关量表的评估。结果 453例PD患者中疲劳组169例占37.3%,非疲劳组284例占62.7%。疲劳组患者统一帕金森病评定量表评分(UPDRS)及Hoehn-Yahr(H-Y)分期均高于非疲劳组(P<0.05)。运动症状、精神情绪情况及日常生活能力与疲劳症状的发生呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论疲劳组PD患者运动症状及非运动症状更重,运动症状、精神情绪情况、日常生活能力及H-Y分期是PD疲劳的主要相关因素。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of fatigue symptoms and investigate its related factors in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods The Parkiusong Fatigue Scale (PFS-16) was used to assess the fatigue status of 453 PD patients. These patients were divided into fatigue group ( mean PFS-16≥3.3 defined as fatigue) and non-fatigue group. All of them completed the assessment of the rele- vant scale. Results Among 453 PD patients, there were 169 patients (37.3%) in fatigue group and 284 patients (62. 7% ) in non-fatigue group. Unified Parkinson's disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Hoehn- Yahr (H-Y) staging in fatigue group were significantly higher than non-fatigue group ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Motor symptoms, mental and emotional status and daily living ability are positively correlated with fatigue symp- toms. Conclusions The motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms are more serious in PD patients with fa- tigue. The motor symptoms, mental and emotional status, daily living ability and Hoehn-Yahr (H-Y) stage are the main related factors of fatigue symptoms in PD patients.
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2018年第1期24-27,共4页 Journal of Chinese Physician
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1306000) 国家自然科学基金(81430023)~~
关键词 帕金森病/并发症 疲劳/并发症 Parkinson disease/CO Fatigue/CO
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