针对油田当前生产形势,以优化生产运行为根本,达到节能、减排、降本、增效的目的。集输陈庄站结合生产实际提出停掺稀油方案,在保证生产正常运行的情况下停运了两台稀油流量计,一台稀油加热炉。停掺稀后,进站处理液量降低,每月进站液量减少2.3万m^3左右;管线干压降低,由0.42 MPa降至0.36 MPa;外输排量降低,外输耗电降低。年节约燃煤649.926吨,取得经济效益201.46万元。不但在节能降耗方面表现突出,还降低了职工的劳动强度,提高了生产效益。
In view of the current production situation, Chen Zhuang gathering station, taking operation optimization as the basis to achieve the goal of energy conservation, emission reduction and efficiency improvement, has stopped mixing thin oil, and thus shut two thin oil flowmeters and a thin oil heater, all while still ensuring normal operation. As a result, the gathering station could slash the liquid needing to be treated by 23k tons/month, and reduce pipeline dry pressure from 0.42MPa to 0.36MPa, with less drained liquid and related power consumption. The effect is significant for reducing worker's labor intensity and boosting production efficiency, in addition to its outstanding performance in energy and cost reduction saving coal of 650 tons and increasing profit of 2 million yuan.
Green Petroleum & Petrochemicals
optimize production
stop mixing thin oil
energy conservation and emission reduction